Yes X-ray inspection systems are perfectly safe if you follow the intended use. The X5 X-ray series feature radiation protection to ensure that emissions are kept below 1 μSv/hour during operation. By their very nature, X-ray systems used for food inspection are safe and emissions are significantly less than many naturally occurring radiation sources such as medical X-rays, Radon gas, Gamma decay in rocks, cosmic rays and even the Sun. The world’s average “background” rate of radiation is around 2.7 mSv/yr. Working a 40 hour week for 48 weeks per year next to a LOMA X-Ray system equates to 0.78mSv/yr less. A transatlantic flight for 8 hours provides a much higher dose of radiation than a Loma X-ray inspection system. You can read more information about are X-rays safe for food production here.